Read the Short Story from Montana
Sheriff Dwayne Watson is in my books the chief of police for Flathead County and the town of Kalispell. Back in “Rocky Mountain Railroad Odyssey,” he helps rescue Michelle from the clutches of a gang in an illegal casino. In “Stevens Pass,” Dwayne Watson is the only one who can take on mobster Orson Corbyn – and thus initiates the turning point of the story. Reason enough to dedicate a short story of his own to the sheriff.
With his wife Helen, Dwayne lives on the old Watson ranch on the outskirts of town. The incidents he has to deal with in the course of a day range from traffic accidents to domestic violence and rustlers. But this short story also features a major confrontation that he can finally solve with the help of the FBI.
The mini-book has two chapters and 32 pages, and the story is only available here, not included in any of my books. If you subscribe to my email newsletter, you can download the short story right now, in Adobe pdf or e-pub format for all major e-readers. You’ll receive the download link with your second confirmation email after signing up (you may also want to watch your spam inbox). Have fun reading!
Notes: There are more previews of the first chapters on Amazon or even Google.